5 Easy Ways To Burn Calories Without Dieting

Burning calories sounds great and all, but then comes the exercise, dieting, and lifestyle changes that none of us like to make. If you love to eat, and you feel that it’s healthy and good for you to have three to five meals or snacks a day, then this article is for you.

In it, we’re going to teach you how to burn calories without dieting. Too many people have the wrong idea, anyway. They think that restricting calories and going on crash diets is a good thing -- that it helps them to lose weight. In the end, it’s unsustainable, it slows down your metabolism, and it runs you down.

The right idea is to eat enough, eat well, and burn those calories off with healthy lifestyle habits, a healthy metabolism, and a good daily regimen.

Here’s a rundown of the top five ways to burn calories without dieting.

1. Drink More Water

Most of us don’t know how dehydrated we are. Just drinking more water can be a great way to lose weight. See, a lot of us confuse our thirst signals with hunger signals. Keeping a bottle close by at all times is a good idea. Water does a lot for your body.

There are hundreds of health benefits to drinking lots of water. You should be drinking a lot of water, anyway. If you’re full of coffee, alcohol from the night before, and sugar, you’re probably dehydrated. Invest in a water bottle that you can take to work.

2. Eat More Superfoods

Add as many superfoods to your daily meals as you can. They’re chock full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that will fill you with long-lasting energy and make your metabolism work better.

You don’t want to feel sluggish, tired, and worn out during the day, so don’t eat a sugary breakfast. Eat a superfood breakfast! Superfoods actually taste really great.

Many superfoods, like blueberries, goji berries, and yogurt, taste really great. If you just switch to a superfood breakfast, you’ll notice a profound difference in a short time.

3. Pick an Active Hobby

There’s nothing more fun than a great hobby you really like. It’s a great idea to find a hobby that you really love doing. Make sure it’s a physical one. It’s like exercising, but you don’t realize you’re exercising. It’s kind of like tricking your body into exercising.

4. Drink Coffee

Studies have shown that caffeine helps you burn calories faster. How about that? Just drink some fresh hot brew with your morning breakfast. It’ll put your body to work burning calories much faster.

5. Sleep More & Better

When you get plenty of sleep, you’re less likely to snack. When you get less than fours of sleep per night for a long time, your metabolism slows down.

When your metabolism slows down, you burn calories a lot slower. Eating more frequently actually helps speed up your metabolism, too. What you intuitively think about diet is probably wrong. You actually need to eat more -- but eat the right stuff.

Make This Juice – If You Are Suffering From Bad Cholesterol And Excess Weight

In addition to lowering levels of bad fat in the body, this magic potion cleans the body of toxins and improve circulation and metabolism.

Parsley proved to be an excellent tool in stimulating the secretion of harmful substances from our organism and better circulation.

If the miraculous add parsley and lemon, water and a little baking soda and grapefruit, we will have a miraculous potion that reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood!


  • 1.5 liters of water,
  • 3 ties parsley
  • 1 kg of lemon,
  • baking soda 1 grapefruit.


Lemon peel dry well with baking soda, to remove impurities from the bark.

Boil water and leave to cool.

Lemon cut into slices and parsley chop finely and add to the cold water. Squeeze the grapefruit.

Cover and let stand in the refrigerator for one day. In the end, mix in a blender and pour into a glass jar or bottle.

Everyday take 100 ml and you will not believe what speed will lower your cholesterol and speed up metabolism.

6 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Jiggly Arms

It happens to most of us, you raise up your arms and just look at them jiggle. Perhaps you clap your hands and the muscles of your arms are still jiggling long after you are done. There are several reasons that you may have jiggly arms.

If your jiggly arms are really starting to bother you and you are ready to do something about it, there are some simple exercises that you can do in order to get rid of that jiggle forever. For these exercises you will need a set of hand weights.

1. Tricep Kickbacks

To do this exercise you will need to hold a weight in each hand. Bend over until you are at a 45 degree angle. If needed, bend your knees. To start the exercise bend the arms and pull your elbows until they are level with your torso. Hold this position and then straighten your arms behind you. Make sure to squeeze your triceps on the way back. Bend your arms into the starting position and then repeat. Try to do between 10 to 15 reps.

2. Tricep Dips

For this exercise you will need a chair that is sturdy. Stand in front of the chair and place your arms shoulder width apart on the chair. Your legs will be bent towards the floor and your back close to the chair. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, straighten your arms. Then bend your elbows slowly and lower yourself. Hold the position and then return to the starting position. Repeat this push up and down set for 10 to 15 reps.

3. Pushups

Start out by kneeling on the ground and bring your hands down to the floor. Your hands should be about shoulder width apart. Kick your legs out behind you while pressing down on your hands. Flatten your back until it is parallel with the floor. Lower yourself to the floor until your elbows reach a 90 degree angle. Slowly push back up to the starting position. Your back should remain flat during the entire motion.

4. Row

Grab your weights and stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent. Your arms should be at your sides. Slowly pull the weights up and then squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold and then lower the weights. Repeat 10 to 15 times.

5. Tricep Extensions

Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and your weights in your hands. Lift the weights above your head and then bend your elbows back behind your head. Lift to the starting position and repeat. Do 10 to 15 reps.

6. One arm pushups

Lie on your side with your knees and hips stacked. Place your bottom arm across your torso with your hand resting on the shoulder. Place the other hand on the floor in front of you. Squeeze your triceps and push up. Lower your body and repeat for 10 reps.

12 Simple Flat Tummy Workouts You Can Do At Home

Modern lifestyles have made it difficult to maintain good body shape to many of us. We always lack time or money to visit fitness centers, and our busy living has impaired our will power to follow strict diet rules or regimen. It is not always possible to control ourselves from not eating the delicious food. Fortunately, here are some simple workouts that you can try at your home and get a flat tummy!

Before you start this workout routine, you should know the size of your tummy to reduce it. For this cause, you should take a measuring tape.  Wrap it around your waist at your belly button, while you are standing up and check your girth. Make sure that the tape measure is level. For men, the healthy waist size is 40, and for women, it is 35 inches.

Flat Stomach Workouts

These are the best exercises that can help you to get flat tummy and you can have more benefits by doing these exercises regularly. No equipment is required for all the exercises mentioned below. Try them at your home and get your desired flat tummy.


This is an amazing way to reduce stomach and to build strong abdominal muscles, so it should be performed by anyone who wants to get flat tummy.


Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands on both sides of your head. Take care not to lock your fingers or to pull your head up. Push a little of your back into the floor to engage the abdominals. Tilt your chin slightly and leave a few inches space between your chin and chest.

Now roll your shoulders off the floor. The gap between your shoulder and floor should be 4 inches and your lower back should remain always on the floor. Just be like that for a moment at the top and then move back down slowly.
Do this 3 sets of 15 reps.

Hindu/Judo Push-up/Dive Bombers

This exercise is also very beneficial when you want to flatten the tummy.

Put your hands flat on the floor and maintain a distance shoulder’s width apart. Keep your back straight and extend your legs behind in order to form the push-up position. Keep your feet wider than your shoulder’s width, so that your body is supported only by your toes and hands.

Start position: Take your hands in the backward direction towards your feet. Maintain your arms straight. Now arch your chest and body in the forward direction so that your hips move down towards the floor.

Final position: When you return to the starting position, straight your arms and arch your back, which will push your torso in the upwards direction. Thus, your chest is outwards and your sight should be in a direction above you.

If you are a beginner, you can perform the exercise by putting the knees on the floor and only the movement of the upper body is required.

Repeat this exercise in 3 sets of 12 reps.

Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands on both sides of your head. Take care not to lock your fingers or to pull your head up. Push a little of your back into the floor to engage the abdominals. Tilt your chin slightly and leave a few inches space between your chin and chest.

Now roll your shoulders off the floor. The gap between your shoulder and floor should be 4 inches and your lower back should remain always on the floor. Just be like that for a moment at the top and then move back down slowly.

Do this 3 sets of 15 reps.

Burpees/Squat Thrust

Burpees are miraculous exercise to burn extra calories and make you stronger.

Position your feet about hip-width apart and squat to the floor, placing your hands on the floor in front of you.

Now jump the feet out and come to a pushup position, on the hands and toes with the body in a straight line. Then, return to start position, by jumping the feet back.

Repeat this jumping your feet out and in for 30 to 60 seconds for 3 sets of 10 reps.

Mountain Climbers/Alternating Knee-ins

Try this exercise to flatten your tummy fast by doing mountain climbers, which will give visible results very soon.

Place your hands flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Extend your torso and legs fully behind you with only your toes and balls of your feet touching the floor, so that your body is in a straight line, supported only on toes and hands.

Start with either leg. Flex your knee and hip at the same time to bring your knee up and then under your hip. You should keep the other leg extended completely.

Then, change the leg, extending the leg back which is extended and simultaneously flexing the straight leg until it is in the start position.

Repeat this for 3 sets of 15 reps.

Jump Squat

You can do this exercise without equipment. Just follow the below steps and reduce your tummy size easily.

Stand in the same start position. First do a regular squat, later engage your core and jump up.
When you land, lower your body and return it to the squat position again.

This exercise should be done in 3 sets of 15 reps.

Lying Leg Lift

Try it doing at home, and its results will be amazing! This exercise also doesn’t need any equipment.


If possible, use a bench. Let your legs hang off the edge that will increase your range of motion.
Place your hands under your glutes with your palms facing down. Keep your legs straight and hold a dumbbell between your feet if your need added resistance. Slowly raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Hold the contraction at the top for one second.
Do this exercise for 3 sets of 15 reps.

Windshield Wipers

First it is needed to do cycling for several months to get your obliques strong. This is not an exercise for beginners. It is a core workout and is fun at the same time.
Swing left and right like a windshield wiper. In the start position only go for 45 degrees to each side. Now swing back and forth slowly.
When you are strong and flexible you can go to 180 degrees range of motion.
Do this exercise for 3 sets and 15 reps.

Superman / Extended Arms & Legs Lift

This exercise also strengthens your lower back and reduces your belly fat.

Lie down your face on your stomach with arms and legs extended. Keep your neck in neutral position.

Lift your arms and legs up towards the ceiling to form an elongated “U” shape with your body, while keeping your arms and torso stationary. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds and lower back down to one completely.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Leg Pull-In Knee-up

This is another exercise which affects your your tummy as well as your lower back.

Lie down flat with your hands under buttocks. Keep your knees together and pull them in towards you and move your torso towards them. Lift your neck, head, and shoulders up as well. Hold and then return to starting position.

Do this exercise for 3 sets of 15 reps.

Side Plank

This one will definitely give amazing results on the size of your tummy and on your lower back.

Hold your whole body in a straight line with your elbow beneath your shoulders. Hold in that position as long as you can, but you should not let your hips drop. Repeat the same on the other side.

Do this exercise for 3 sets of 30 reps.

Inchworm/Walk Out

This exercise offers many positive effects for your body, so it is worth the try!

Stand straight with your legs extended. Bend over from your hips and touch the floor with your palms flat on the floor. Keep your legs straight as you walk your hands as far forward, and do not let your hips drop.  Take small steps and walk your feet to hands.

Do this exercise in 3 sets of 15 reps.


Lose your tummy weight naturally by doing this amazing exercise for 5 minutes a day.

Get into a press-up position. Bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Suck your belly button into your spine to engage your core. Hold in this position for a few seconds, and prolong this with time, as you are more experienced.

How Much Cardio Is Needed for a Flat Stomach?

You've already figured out that the path to getting a flatter stomach lies not in doing loads of situps, but in cranking out the cardio -- so you're already well ahead of the pack when it comes to your approach to fitness. Since there's no such thing as "spot reduction," there are really no shortcuts to getting a slimmer body, including a smaller waist. Still, there's no simple way to say how much cardio it's going to take to get there, since it all depends on how much excess fat you have to lose.

Burning Calories

To lose weight, you have to create a calorie deficit, meaning you're burning more calories than you're taking in. To be more precise, you need to create a 3,500-calorie deficit in order to lose 1 pound of fat. That's certainly going to involve doing cardio at least four to six days a week, for as long as you have to spare, or as long as you can stand to work out on any given day. If you're doing a workout that burns 1,000 calories every day, for example, it will take you seven days to burn 1 pound of total body fat. If you only had a little belly to begin with, repeating that cycle every day for three weeks might be enough to get the flat stomach you want.

Big Calorie Burners

If you have all the time in the world -- and all the desire and willpower -- you could do nearly any type of cardio to help you create that calorie deficit. However, doing exercises such as walking or cycling are not as efficient as other types. Burning more calories requires more intensity as well as more time. Some of the biggest calorie burners out there include running, which will burn about 906 calories per hour for a 160-pound person. Cross-country skiing will burn about 600 calories per hour for that 160-pound person, and swimming will burn about 618 calories. Compare that to walking, which burns about 522 calories per hour, and you may begin to see how choosing the more intense exercise can help you create that calorie deficit faster.

Cutting Calories

A safe amount of weight to lose per week is about 2 pounds, which equates to a deficit of about 7,000 calories. Sure, you could simply eat the same amount as you've always eaten and just burn an additional 1,000 calories, but the other way to go about it is to reduce the number of calories you're consuming every day. By cutting about 250 calories each day -- roughly the number of calories in a bottle of soda -- you'll end up with a 1,750-calorie deficit in a week's time. If you're burning roughly 500 calories working out five days a week, you'll be creating a deficit that can help you lose more than 1 pound each week.


If working out for an hour at a time seems impossible or is just not feasible because of your schedule, you're not alone. Fortunately, though, there's another option for the days when time is limited. High intensity interval training, or HIIT, is a workout you can do in as little as 12 minutes, and according to the American College of Sports Medicine, it can increase your metabolism for the entire day following the workout as well as helping you burn subcutaneous abdominal fat. Warm up by walking or jogging for five minutes, and then sprint at about 90 percent of your maximum for one minute. Go back to walking or jogging for another minute, and then repeat the sprint-recover cycle a total of eight times. Try HIIT workouts on the days you don't have time for a longer workout, or about two days a week.

How to Lose Weight Using Cinnamon Powder and Honey

Getting a fit silhouette is a universal desire. And, to sneak into such a shape we do everything what we can. Leaving aside fad diets and rigorous exercises, we do not mind going under scissors too to remove extra kilos from our body. But sometimes, we overlook the miracles of nature which can confer us with great body without much effort.  Today we’ll combine honey and cinnamon together to use it for weight loss purpose. Cinnamon is an important spice which not only makes our vegetable preparations taste great but also adds flavor to many desserts and tea. Honey is again the secret of beauty and health. When these two are combined together, they form a mix which can effectively and immediately starts burning fat of your body.  Scroll down to find how to lose weight using cinnamon powder and honey

Ingredients required –

  • 2 teaspoons of honey,
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder,
  • 2 cups of water

How to make it ?

Take a saucepan and put water into. Add cinnamon powder and honey to the water and keep this saucepan on a stove to bring the mix to a boil. After boiling the watery mix of cinnamon powder and honey, switch off the stove and set the pan aside to allow it to cool. Now take two glasses and divide the juice in equal proportion. Drink first glass of juice around an hour before your breakfast while keep another glass of drink to consume an hour before night time sleep.

Note – A number of health experts advise to add raw honey to the boiled mix of cinnamon powder and water. You can go either way, both are beneficial.

How does it help you in losing weight?

If you devotedly follow this weight loss regime and consume honey and cinnamon juice twice a day, you can lose around 2-3 Kgs of weight in a week. Although the amount of weight reduction differs person to person but you reduce weight for sure. And most importantly, honey and cinnamon drink do not ask you to make any change in your regular diet plan.

Honey has always been a favorite in the weight loss segment. Fitness frenzies often substitute sugar with honey to make their edibles and beverages healthful. Many people also advice taking honey with lemon juice and lukewarm water to reduce weight, as honey cuts down fat from your body. When this natural boon is mixed with another miraculous product of nature – cinnamon, both of them work together  to melt stubborn fat of your body quickly.

Cinnamon has the properties to put effect on your blood sugar. It breaks down every sugar molecule in the blood stream. It helps in perfect metabolism of consumed food which doesn’t allow fat to be restored in your body.

Both honey and cinnamon incorporate great therapeutic qualities. Thus, consuming cinnamon and honey drink frequently not only helps you in getting a fit body but also it benefits you in numbers of other dysfunctions of body. It is supposed that this drink positively helps you in curing arthritis, heart diseases, cholesterol, cold and bladder infections.

If you are suffering from an upset stomach, taking a dose of honey-cinnamon mix can help you in getting an instant relief.

Apart from curing many of your ailments and making you lose weight, honey and cinnamon juice also helps you in making your immunity system better. Honey strengthens WBC of your body which fights with external bacteria and viruses to keep them off your physical system.

Honey and cinnamon drink not might taste great though, it is very advantageous in weight loss program.

Get Rid Of Painful Joints, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis And Back Pain With This Natural Remedy

This remedy helps in the treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain and all that is associated with the joints, bones and muscles.

When modern medicine does not help, it is best to turn to old natural remedies. Probably if you ask your grandmothers what to do if you feel pain in your joints, they will give you a prescription for this “magic” mix. They say that this folk remedy rejuvenates the bones and sets them back 20 years ago. So, if you feel heaviness in the legs, pain in the joints, if you struggle with back pain and have consequences of some old injury, you do not need expensive gels and ointments, it is enough to mix these simple ingredients.


You will need: 300 ml of alcohol (70%, which can be purchased in pharmacies), 100 ml of povidone iodine, 10 tablets Aspirin  (300 mg).

Preparation: Mix the alcohol with iodine and add the crushed aspirin tablets. Shake and leave in a dark place for 21 days. After this you can use the drug. Use in the form of  compresses or directly massaging the painful area.

This drug helps in the treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain and all that is associated with the joints, bones and muscles.

source: healthylifetrickcs