As a result of that, this lemon diet has become extremely popular. Namely, it is a bit challenging for some, but it is in fact really simple and extremely effective. What makes it so splendid is the fact that it will help you lose weight quickly and easily, but at the same time, it will provide a complete detox for your body.
All you need to do is to drink a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach every morning. This should be repeated regularly during two weeks, and in 14 days, you will be significantly slimmer and with a healthy body, clean from all toxins!
Lemon diet- program:
As we previously said, you will need to drink a glass of lemon juice diluted in water, but in different amounts.
Furthermore, we will suggest 14 different incredibly effective cardio exercises for each day in the program, that will additionally accelerate the process of melting fat.
Day 1:
Drink the juice from 1 lemon diluted with 1 cup of fresh water.
Exercise: Squat Jump
Stand with feet hip-width apart and squat as low as you can, taking the hips behind you. Using the power in your legs and hips, jump as high as you can, taking the arms up. Land with soft joints and let your muscles absorb the impact. Repeat for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.
Day 2:
Drink the juice from 2 lemons diluted with 2 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Plyo-Lunge
Begin in a lunge position, right foot forward, left foot back, both knees at 90-degree angles. Jump up and switch feet in the air, landing in a lunge with left foot forward, right foot back. Repeat for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.
Day 3:
Lemon juice from 3 lemons diluted with 3 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Line Taps
Place a weight on the floor as a marker and squat to the right of it, bringing the fingertips to the floor. Jump up with both feet, landing with the left foot next to the weight. Repeat for 40 seconds, resting for 20 seconds.
Day 4:
Lemon juice from 4 lemons diluted with 4 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Ski Abs
Begin in a plank position and jump the feet in to towards the left shoulder, landing with knees bent and the feet behind the left hand. Jump the feet back to plank and then jump the feet in to the right, landing with knees bent and the feet behind the right hand. Continue jumping in and out from side to side for 40 seconds.
Day 5:
Lemon juice from 5 lemons diluted with 5 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Sit and Stands
Stand in front of a step or platform and sit down, placing your hands next to the hips. Lean back as you extend the legs out in front of you. Bring the feet back in and stand up, using your hands to help you up if needed. Add intensity by taking the hands away and/or adding a jump at the end of the movement. Repeat for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.
Day 6:
Lemon juice from 6 lemons diluted with 6 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Mountain Climbers
In a pushup position, run the knees in and out as quickly as you can, alternating sides. Touch the toes to the floor with each run or keep them in the air. Repeat for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.
Day 7:
Drink the juice from 3 lemons diluted with 10 cups of fresh water. Moreover, on the seventh day, you should add a tablespoon of honey to the drink, and sip it throughout the day.
Exercise: Side to Side Jumping Lunge
Take the right leg out to the side and bend the left knee into a runner’s lunge, going as low as you can and touching the hand to the floor. Quickly shift the feet in the air to shift the lunge to the other side. Repeat for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds.
Day 8:
Drink the juice from 6 lemons diluted with 6 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Long Jumps
Jump forward as far as you can with both feet together, landing with the knees soft. Jump to turn around and do another long jump in the opposite direction. Repeat, jumping forward, jumping to turn and jumping forward again for 40 seconds.
Day 9:
Lemon juice from 5 lemons diluted with 5 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Burpees
Squat and place your hands on the floor next to your feet. In an explosive movement, jump feet backwards into a push-up position, jump feet back between hands and stand up. Add a jump at the end for more intensity, if desired. Repeat for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.
Day 10:
Lemon juice from 4 lemons diluted with 4 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Speed Skaters
Jump to the right, landing on the right foot. Immediately take another lateral jump to the left, jumping as far as you can and keeping low to the ground rather than jumping up in the air. Repeat for 40 seconds, then, rest for 20 seconds.
Day 11:
Lemon juice from 3 lemons diluted with 3 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Knee with Side Kick
Bring the left knee up to the side while taking the right elbow down towards the knee. Step the right foot down and kick out to the side with the left leg, going as fast as you can for 40 seconds. Do this move on the other side during the second circuit.
Day 12:
Lemon juice from 2 lemons diluted with 2 cups of fresh water.
Exercise: Ice Breakers
Begin in a squat position and jump in the air, circling the right arm around and down into a chop as you land. Jump in the air again, this time chopping down with the left arm. Continue alternating sides for 40 seconds, resting for 20 seconds.
Day 13:
Lemon juice from 1 lemon diluted with 1 cup of fresh water.
Exercise: Toe Taps to Step
Stand in front of a step or small platform. Tap the left toe to the step, quickly shift the feet in the air and tap the step with the right toe. Alternate fast feet for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.
Day 14:
Repeat the same procedure as the 7th day. Mix the juice from 3 lemons diluted with 10 cups of fresh water and a tablespoon of honey and sip the drink throughout the entire day.
Exercise: Puddlejumpers
Start with feet together and push off the right foot and take a wide step to the left while swinging the arms up. Now push off the left foot into a wide step to the other side. Stay low to the ground and make your steps as wide as you can to raise the heart rate. Repeat for 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.
Important note:
Note that you need to drink this remarkable drink, at least, an hour before meals. If possible, you should drink the lemon water all at once. However, if you cannot do so, try to drink as much as possible the first thing in the morning, and consume the rest throughout the entire morning.
Moreover, it is not advisable to consume it in the case of gastrointestinal issues, as it can worsen the condition.