Add This Coconut Oil Mixture Into Your Coffee And Burn A Ton Of Calories

Did you know that adding coconut oil into your coffee can help you boost your metabolism and burn more calories? Unlike most oils, coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, instead of long-chain fatty acids.

Medium chain fatty acids are metabolized differently than long-chain, which leads to a beneficial boost in metabolism. In this study, 1 to 2 tablespoons of medium chain fats (eg. coconut oil) per day increased energy expenditure by 5% — this totals to 120 calories per day.

Coconut Oil Coffee Creamer Has Great Taste!

It does not make your coffee greasy or coconut-y as one might think. Instead, this coconut oil coffee creamer provides you with a rich and creamy coffee that is perfectly sweetened with honey, and flavored with cinnamon and vanilla. No palm-oil, no preservatives, and no artificial sweeteners.

More Reasons To Love Coconut Oil Coffee Creamer

  • Unlike adding cold milk or cream, coconut oil creamer doesn’t cool down your hot cup of coffee.
  • Coconut oil creamer doesn’t dilute the flavor.
  • Coconut oil is always on-hand, whereas diary creamers expire.

How To Make Coconut Oil Coffee Creamer


  • 3/4 cup coconut oil, organic (soft but not melted)
  • 1/2 cup raw honey
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon powder, organic
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp. cocao powder, organic (optional)

If you don’t like your coffee sweet, then leave out the honey or start using less. Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and stir or whisk together until they’re well combined. Store in a glass jar with a sealed lid.

How To Use Coconut Oil Coffee Creamer
Brew your favorite cup of coffee (about 2 cups). Add 1-2 tbsp. of coconut oil coffee creamer into your hot coffee. If you want to enhance the creaminess and flavor, you can also add a teaspoon of grass-fed butter.

Using a blender or mini bullet blender, blend the coffee and creamer on high speed for about 5 seconds. Pour into your mug, pair this coffee with a nutritious breakfast, and you’ve set yourself up for a great day!