Apple is number one in effortless weight and fat management. It keeps you full for longer period of time, efficiently suppresses appetite and breaks down fat cells.
Lemons give cleansing boost to the body. They are extra super for belly fat burning due to the citric acid in their composition. Choosing lemon is a smart step as lemon acts as liver cleanser and digestive aid.
Pear is rich in fiber and this is really important compound for increasing metabolism and improving the digestion process which consequently leads to natural and more effective losing of weight.
Ginger is well known to enhance metabolism and it is a perfect solution if you want to slim down abdomen. It is tremendously powerful for good digestion as well.
Consumption of flax seeds on a daily basis is a perfect way to lose belly fat and to maintain healthy weight. In addition it keeps sugar cravings under control.
Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, spinach is an ideal choice to spur metabolism. Adding organic spinach to any blended beverage will reduce the level of acidity in your blood so it will prevent inflammation and restore energy.
It is really important to consume these ingredients on an empty stomach so that you achieve maximum weight loss effect.
Here is a suggestion for drink recipe to help you slim down really quickly. Prepare this regularly, lose weight fast and burn abdominal fat without starving at all.
- 2 apples
- 1 lemon
- a handful of spinach
- a pear
- 1 tsp. grated ginger
- 1 tsp. ground flax seeds
Directions: Put the ginger and the flax seeds in the freshly squeezed lemon juice,stir well and let this stay for 10 minutes. After that add the mixture to the rest of the ingredients previously placed in blender and blend until it gets smooth enough. Pour in glasses and welcome your new slim down solution.